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The History of Marijuana Prohibition: 1970-Current
The United States incarcerates more people, in both absolute numbers and per capita, than any other country on this planet. Our prison population has grown by 700% since 1970. How did the Land of the Free become the #1 jailer in the world? 1970: Controlled...
The Drug War Killed My Cousin
When I was a young girl, I grew up in the piney woods of East Texas. Many after-school days were spent at my grandma’s trailer park, with cousin Shane. He was only 2 months older than me and we were practically glued at the hip. We grew up in the 70’s and 80’s. We...
The Birth of Powdered Urine
Source: CNN Early 1900-20’s Cannabis wasn’t always illegal. Cannabis has been available in America since the mid-1800s. It was the top active ingredient in over 100 medications. Smoking cannabis became mainstream in America around the 1910’s. During this time, many...
The History of Marijuana Prohibition: 1900-37
Early 1900-20’sCannabis wasn’t always illegal.Cannabis has been available in America since the mid-1800s. It was the top active ingredient in over 100 medications.Smoking cannabis became mainstream in America around the 1910’s. During this time, many Mexican...